Thursday, February 08, 2007

SP Quill Looking for Cinquains: Deadline 2/28/07

SP Quill Magazine is now reading and accepting cinquains for the spring issue of the SP Quill.

Each year in the spring, SP Qull Magazine has a special cinquain feature. SP Quill is a quarterly print journal, saddle stapled, and is associated with Shadow Poetry. It is a non-paying market.

The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2007. Submissions of 1-8 cinquains should be e-mailed to

For more info:

Friday, February 02, 2007

Paranormal/horror Cinquain Contest

The new paranormal/horror magazine Doorways is having a cinquain poetry contest for its second issue. Entries must be a five line cinquain in the usual 2-4-6-8-2 syllable format and must somehow incorporate "doorways" (whatever that means to you, be it supernatural, paranormal, and/or horrific in nature). No entry fee is required.

Also, Doorways has asked me to be their featured poet for issue #2. Copies of the first issue can be ordered here.

To Submit:

Paste poem in the body of an email, hit return once and put (END), hit return10 times and put your name, byline (if different), mailing address, and email address. The reason for this formatting is that the contest will be blindly judged and the editor wants enough blank space between the end of the poem and the author's name to keep it blind. For this reason, please DO NOT include an intro letter or bio(if your poem wins, you will be contacted for a bio).

You can send as many entries as you wish, but please send each entry as a separate email.

Mail entries to: DoorwaysPoetry(at)yahoo(dot)com with "DW Contest Cinquain"in subject line.

The winning entrant for contest #2 will receive:

* Publication in Doorways (plus contributor's copy)
* $10 (equals $2 a line this time around)
* Bondage: Tales of Obsession, Ed. Tyree Campbell
* 8 issue of The Fig Leaf Monthly broadside (Sept. 2006-April 2007)
* Four books from Featured Poet, Deborah P. Kolodji:

Dwarf Stars
Dwarf Stars 2006
Red Planet Dust
Symphony of the Universe

DEADLINE: April 8, 2007